Source code for games.linetactoe

from gameai.core import Game

[docs]class LineTacToe(Game): ''' Implements a 1x3 tictactoe-like, with state represented as an array of length 3. The goal of the game is to get two consecutive xs or os. For example, [o, o, x] is winning for o. Note that whoever starts the game should win, every time, as going in the center will win the game. However this is a good game to test new agent / algorithm implementations as the entire state space is only 11 states. Examples: >>> LineTacToe().initial_state() [-1, -1, -1] ''' def initial_state(self): return [-1 for i in range(3)] def action_space(self, s): return [i for i in range(len(s)) if s[i] == -1] def terminal(self, s): return self.is_winner(s, 0) or self.is_winner(s, 1) or len(self.action_space(s)) == 0 def flip_state(self, s): def state_map(p): if not p in [0, 1]: return p return 1 - p return [state_map(p) for p in s] def winner(self, s): if self.is_winner(s, 0): return 0 if self.is_winner(s, 1): return 1 return -1 def reward(self, s, p): if self.is_winner(s, p): return 1 if self.is_winner(s, 1-p): return -1 return self.heuristic(s) def next_state(self, s, a, p): copy = s.copy() copy[a] = p return copy def to_hash(self, s): return hash(tuple(s)) @staticmethod def heuristic(_): ''' Stubbed for now ''' return 0 @staticmethod def is_winner(s, p): ''' Return whether a particular player has won the game. Ideally this would be generalized to a 1xn board. ''' return ((s[0] == p and s[1] == p) or (s[1] == p and s[2] == p))